
Hobbies and Self Storage
As we have written on this blog many times before, the self storage industry is growing fast in the UK - our recent piece on the Self Storage Association's annual report into the industry shows continued growth of available units in the UK.
Self Storage Association - Annual Report 2018
The Self Storage Association have published their Annual Report for 2018 into the self storage industry - here are some facts and figures...
MPs are now calling for action on ‘mis-selling’ by storage providers
Regular visitors to our blog will know that we have mentioned many times in the past the slightly less than ‘transparent’ practices involving storage insurance which are sold direct from storage providers.
Information update and some new reviews
At Store-Insure, we specialise in storage insurance and that's it. Because we are specialist brokers our focus is on a single product, we are able to constantly review our offer to make sure it continues to meet the needs of our customers.
I lost £180,000 in a self storage fire…
That sounds like a sensationalist headline but following a devastating fire in a self storage unit in Surrey, this story from the BBC highlights the dangers of under insuring your contents in storage.
Short of space over Christmas?

Christmas is a time where we get together with family and friends with many of us having house guests in the run up to, and over, the Christmas holidays. At this time of year there is extra pressure on space in most houses...

Things you should never store in a storage unit!

Self storage can be extremely useful for loads of different reasons.  The most common reason for renting storage space is probably related to moving home.  However, a growing number of people are using storage units for more permanent storage spaces...

Running your Ebay business from a storage unit

The online retailers, particular those giant names like Amazon and Ebay, have revolutionised the way we buy things word wide. Taking the idea of selling to 'The Long Tail' is what has made these companies so successful.

The Great Storage Insurance Swindle…
A recent article in the Telegraph highlighted market research commissioned to look into the cost of storage insurance and whether consumers are being overcharged when they take out storage insurance...
Storage Insurance - Useful Information from Store Insure
We thought we would use the blog this month to put together a post outlining some useful information and the answers to questions which we often get asked about storage insurance from Store Insure.